Tuesday, October 16, 2007

佛光大学小巨蛋怀恩馆(sport stadium)开幕仪式

佛光大学小巨蛋怀恩馆(sport stadium)开幕仪式~

             Our Great Master Ven Hsing Yun

our beloved teacher ven Miao Guan (yellow robes)

Singapore Team wif ven ruhong & CJ

Part of our class strength:
Fm left: liqing, huishan, undergrad (nt fm our class) ven ruhong, tingshi, very cute ven miao zhe, siyong, Buddhist faculty flower chang jing, yishu
Front: yuyun and ven miao wei (Yellow robes, 2nd year senior fm Religious studies)

part of our class strength

fm left 1:
YW: From Taiwan. My roommate....

looks serious but big good gal

记得那时我临时抱佛脚连夜几天躲在图书馆赶powerpoint presentation, 她脚受伤了,隔天还要在540am起来做香灯, 她却代替我那不舒服而回房休息的teammate 帮我读没人能读的懂chim chim 的文献直到凌晨12.30am~

她翻了一翻我们得读的文献说道:你和CJ (我的teammate) 怎么都一个样!两人的文献这么干净,
根本都没读到! 以后不要再这样了!不要临时抱佛脚,知道吗?:p

所以她想把自己的报告赶快做完才有时间帮我赶报告~ 感动, 虽然我并没要她帮我啦!

Left 2:

SY ~ From Taiwan. HS's and TS's roommate

永远给人很舒服的感觉. 身心自在.

她有个很搞笑的事, 非常有趣但不能在这里说....哈

Left 4:

CJ ~ From Thailand. Also HS's and TS's roommate

Buddhist fac flower~

能唱能跳. 几次参加唱歌比赛都得过奖.

进得了厨房出得了厅堂~为我们煮过tomyam soup 与泰国沙律, 每个人都大跌眼睛. 以为她是千金大小姐型, 殊不知厨艺了得, 刀法熟练. 还很会洗衣服! 连对晒衣服都很有心得! 棉被也折得接近完美的豆干型...

聪明漂亮~学习能力强. 外形甜美, 深受同学与师长的欢迎。


刚来时她不能适应台湾天气、文化、食物等而意志消沉嚷着要回国。 当时我也克服不了自己的心魔而彼此相知相惜吧...
每个人都以为是我一直在扶持着她, 事实上她也是我很好的辅导员。

深夜长谈, 惊讶她竟能在短短的两个星期内就对我的内心世界了如指掌~或许她和我在某个程度上性格蛮相似的, 所以才能彼此了解吧!



那晚她们二人就跳到我的床上谈天说地。她们说,我是个只有"前面、后面" 的人, 没有"中间"过程给朋友适应的人。如当我感到伤心时,我还是会嘻嘻哈哈的,别人根本不知到我内心真正的心情.当朋友重复做一些事情让我更伤心时,我也不会说,指望他们都会明白我的心情.等到忍无可忍时,我才会爆发出来,这样很容易吓到朋友,哈哈

而我总是喜欢说一些和心里面不一样的话。如明明在乎一个人,却总是说一些相反的话让朋友伤心。CJ 也很坦白的说很伤心我总是说一些反话让她受伤,她是如此在乎我们的友情,为何我总是对朋友没有给予信任. 


真的很感恩她们。尤其是CJ, 一直在慢慢引导我表达自己内心的想法,教我怎样去appreciate每个人与事,也accept what I am.

A song delicated to Me from CJ one night while we were surfing net in the library~(Yap!那一天我们又再一次被师父赶回房了!:p)

When you're down and troubled
and you need a helping hand
and nothing, whoa nothing is going right.
Close your eyes and think of me
and soon I will be there
to brighten up even your darkest night.

You just call out my name,
and you know wherever I am
I'll come running, oh yeah baby
to see you again.
Winter, spring, summer, or fall,
all you got to do is call
and I'll be there, yeah, yeah, yeah.
You've got a friend.

If the sky above you
should turn dark and full of clouds
and that old north wind should begin to blow
Keep your head together and call my name out loud now
and soon I'll be knocking upon your door.
You just call out my name,
and you know where ever I am
I'll come running, oh yes I will
to see you again.
Winter, spring, summer or fall
all you got to do is call
and I'll be there, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Hey, ain't it good to know that you've got a friend?
When people can be so cold.
They'll hurt you, yes and desert you.
Well they'll take your soul if you let them.
Oh yeah, but don't you let them.
You just call out my name and you know wherever I am
I'll come running,
to see you again.
Oh baby, don't you know 'bout,
Winter spring summer or fall,
Hey now, all you've got to do is call.
I'll be there, yes I will.
You've got a friend.
You've got a friend yeah.
Ain't it good to know you've got a friend.
Ain't it good to know you've got a friend.
You've got a friend.

Left 5:
JL: Take very good care of CJ and everyone. Very compassionate, cute and determined!

曾在泰国把大师的书翻译成泰文。英文能力不强, 听不懂以英语为媒介语的课程, 可却发愿要在佛光大学完成学业回泰国弘扬大乘佛教, 就天天拜佛, 颂经, 希望佛菩萨能加持。

有天她突然开始听得懂平时她都听不懂的课程, 自己都觉得不可思议!

金刚非坚, 愿力最坚!

或许我们每人来佛学系的目的不同, 但有因缘才能聚集在一块。真的很享受在大学的生活、 同学们之间的友爱, 宛如一个大家庭.

每个人在这里都有自己的问题与烦恼; 有些人因语言的困难而伤心想放弃; 有些不适应这里的天气文化食物而想回国~


Wednesday, October 10, 2007



前几天在自修课室(自修课室是给我们读书做功课等的地方, 每人都会有自己的书桌与书架.。虽然寮房也能温课, 但为了减少辐射,所以寮房并不能使用电脑)看到了学长(我们称出家同学为学长, 而学士班的学妹则称硕士班同学为学长)在黑板上写下Mariah Carey “ HERO” 的部分歌词:


There's a hero
If you look inside your heart
You don't have to be afraid Of what you are
There's an answer If you reach into your soul
And the sorrow that you know will melt away
And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you'll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you

我一时兴起, 就用华文在黑板上写了:

( 让我们携手走完人生旅程)


细心的同學在自修课室念书时, 猜到那是我写的, 就梢来一封感人的电邮, 安慰与鼓励着我:

“It's Sunday evening. I am sitting in front of the computer. I am looking at the board. There are some words written on it.

A person wrote it. As follows: don't be afraid to be yourself. Within our heart, everyone has a sun. Be true to yourself and accept you're who you are. After the dark, the dawn always comes. Remember that Buddha is always within our heart.

I like the original one. The final sentence was: let's hold hand in hand through the end of our life. I feel you're the one who knows how to encourage others. I hope you can encourage yourself more. And try not to push yourself too much. Life has its own turns and writes its own story. You may not know the reason why you're here now. But someday you'll know. At least, based on causes and conditions, you must meet and get to know us.

So you're here. No matter you like it or not, hope you can view here as home, part of your life and it must be another unforgettable one.

Do you like to talk to Buddha? I usually do that whenever I feel life is tough. And there will be some causes and conditions to help me move on. Things work themselves out later. If you need any help, we are always here. Life is a process of learning. No matter what happens, how hopeless, never give up.”

其实我什么都没和他们说, 但, 同學們却好象知道我在想什么 。而她们每每无心的言语与动作总是让我如此感动。在我最低潮时, 还好有她们……


没有刻意的安慰, 只有默默的关怀,你们让我在你们身上深深体会了这句话….

不要害怕做回自己,我们都有佛性, 它将是我心中永远的英雄~


Sharing from Yuyun, 10 sept 2007, taiwan

( I’ve asked permission to share part of the email on the blog)