Thursday, May 29, 2008

友誼賽 台啤險勝佛光女籃隊(转贴, 自由电子报)

P/S: 虽说佛光女蓝队(都是从普门中学升上来的)很强, 但与剛奪下今年SBL超級籃球賽冠軍的台啤隊(男)毕竟还是有段距离。男让女, 使球赛非常有趣,也很佩服台啤隊的高超球技, 这简直是一场表演赛!台啤隊的主持人也很会串场, 非常搞笑! 他们的副領隊就是电视艺人黑人陈建州~ 另一位电视艺人颜行书也于於2008年1月起加入台啤隊。


〔記者郭顏慧/礁溪28 May 2008 報導〕剛奪下今年SBL超級籃球賽冠軍的台啤隊,昨天到佛光大學與佛光女籃隊舉行友誼賽,獲得熱烈歡迎,卅分鐘比賽,台啤隊楊敬敏在最後三秒鐘演出大逆轉,一記三分球,以五十五比五十四打敗佛光;台啤隊今天將到羅東高商和宜蘭市友愛百貨舉行簽名會。

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Español (Spanish)

佛光大学体适能小姐2008, 第一名 佛教学系钟玉云, YEAH!

H应该很后悔教我西班牙语。我自认没什么语言天分, 但偏偏学西语却学得很快, 因为可以用在她身上, 每次上完课我就会举一反三, 总是用来亏她。 她每次在MSN上的西语display name, 我十之八九都猜对。 其实我才上了几堂课, 学的单字也不多, 但我却很能用我仅懂的单字东拼西凑地猜她写的句子, 她也很佩服我随便猜都离答案不远, 她说以后她就没有秘密了, 哈哈! 我们开玩笑地说这学期末, 我的西语可能还会比我的梵文好。我做正经事不是很认真, 做有的没的却真的还很行....那天同学要出院, 我就用泡沫板做了三朵花给她, HY看到了, 就笑着摇头道: “你真的很不爱读书, 做有的没的就很厉害....”

最近我还跑去参加体适能选拔赛, 其实我只是想拿免费Tshirt, 谁知却得了个冠军回来。 明天校长还会亲自颁奖给我, 有NT500 超级市场的礼卷, 一张奖状, 听说还会给我带上那种似类选美赛挂在身上那种东西, 笑死人了。 不过去玩玩也好。礼卷会捐出来, 给大寮, 供养大众嘛!

明天中午和傍晚都有很有趣的活动, 怎么能少了我...这里不细谈, 有机缘再说~哈哈!


Hoon, 27 May 2008

Monday, May 26, 2008


不是每个人都会有这么难忘的经验.....那天, 和几位同学逛完夜市后大包小包的拿着好几杯珍奶, 跳上校车, 由于没好好顾好它, 结果其中一杯珍奶竟然掉在校车上, 打破了, 把校车弄得脏兮兮的。我们都决定到终点后就帮忙把校车清洗干净。 由于校车内没开灯, 所以司机和大家都不知谁打破的, 司机就说道: “每次都这样!把校车弄得脏兮兮的就跑人了, 我们驾了这么多小时的车还要留下来洗车!”:p

当时车上有八个我们系上同学, 我叫其他人先回家, 让我与另一位同学留下来清洗就行了, 但大夥儿却不肯离开, 并且合力地在5分钟内(因为不想耽误校车司机的下班时间)就把校车清理干净, 司机看到我们系上同学的团结及责任感也展开难得的笑容了, 哈哈!

我心里在想, 如果换成别系的同学, 他们是否会象我们系上的同学一样团结和互爱。 真的很感恩自己能在这里念书, 我们真的很象一家人哩!

缘分真的很奇妙, 大家来自世界各国, 却相聚在这里。有时要写卡片什么的, 都可用各国语言来写, 真好玩~觉得自己跟TC 人蛮有缘的, H以前就是AGT的优秀TC青年, 而和她一起在AGT长大的台湾好友也是, 其中一位现在还在TC医院当医生呢!她的这位好友长得还真象meibei, 样子象, 语气象, 气质也很象哩!所以和她在一起蛮有亲切感的, 说真的她一点都不象医生。 她苦读与当实习医生了这么多年, 最近刚升任为正式医生, 连我都为她感到骄傲!*Clap Clap*

昨天才知道一位同学的亲戚原来在电视台做主持人, 还很有幸与她拍了张照和吃了顿饭~哈! 看来我在这里广结了不少善缘哩!


Hoon, 26 May 2008

Saturday, May 24, 2008


又过了一个忙碌的星期五。中午下课后就赶去参与宗教系的最后一天活动, 我们还真幸运, 拿走了最后两份“大红包”....就是每人两张世界宗教博物馆的入场卷~工作人员还说我们很有眼光, 选了世界宗教博物馆的入场卷而不是换取现金NT100....因为两张入场卷值NT300, 而且世界宗教博物馆是值得一去的地方~HEE....

本来吃完午斋过后要做功课, 但还读不到一下下我就跑下楼找人, 结果就被智妈妈拉去半山腰的菜园拔菜。 那菜园是我们家的, 我们吃的蔬菜有些就是从那边摘回来的。过后我就在半山腰等校车, 因为约了几位同学吃晚餐所以赶着搭校车下山。 但很幸运的就上了一位法师的车下山。吃过晚餐就一起去医院看一位住院的同学, 有说有笑的。 由于我又约了智妈妈为同学的围兜缝学号(名字)所以先走一步, 过后才在夜市与其他人会和~就这样我又度过了一个忙碌的星期五....哈!

Hoon, 24 May 2008

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


上个周末游了台北县五个地方。九份、金瓜石、十份、平溪和青桐。 有别于九份的热闹与拥挤, 十份多了一分宁静与宽阔, 感觉十分舒服。在游玩的当儿当然没忘了四川的灾民, 所以我们还特地从青桐买了一个孔明灯回来为灾民祈福哩!

上周末HY的好友们也正好开车来佛大找她, 还特地留了个车位给我一起去游玩,但我不在家, 真不好意思。与她们在台北吃过好几次饭,难得她们还记得我, 谁叫我长得这么可爱 ,HEE.....

认识了很多住台北、台中、台南的同学, 所以要到哪里玩都会有导游和住宿, 真好,呵!其实HY不是一个很会游玩的人, 但有时我到台北, 她也会尽地主之谊, 约了她几位好友一起去吃喝。 有次她还在猫空为我摔伤了屁股, 哈! 当我们的感情越来越好时, 有时我说要去她家住, 她就会开玩笑地说:“不要!你去住普门寺(台北)。”@#$%.... 其实我住过她家, 那时我们还没这么熟她就带我去她家了, 哈哈! 我们还谈了一整晚哩!

这个星期是佛大宗教系系周, 还蛮好玩的, 只要每天参加他们的活动, 每天盖一个印章, 盖满五天, 就可以得到宗教博物馆入场券两张, 听说宗教博物馆是一个很捧的地方! 所以我天天都去参加他们的活动~昨天就和蛮谈得来的ven MJ 学长去参加问答比赛, 赢得了一个盆栽, 我把它送给了我的工读老师.....下午就和HY躺在光云馆的草坪上晒太阳谈心, 超好笑的....过后就去上HY的西班牙文咯!

今天和几位同学一起去做体能测验, 因为有免费Tshirt拿! 哈! 前十名有奖状, 前五名还有礼券, 排名下周才会知晓~ 我的软身运动蛮差的, 腿又长, 骨又硬, 从小就不能做拉筋....但其他的项目还好, 定力跳远最好, 有206cm 吧!因为我以前是跳远的。KEE....

在享受大学生活的当儿, 该读书时我还是会读书的。ven JF 说如果我的梵文可以考X分以上她就会亲手煮珍珠奶茶给我喝, 因为她觉得我很懒, 梵文文法又很复杂, 就建议我去念巴利文, 但我还是选读了梵文, HEE.... 这次的期中考, 如没多少粗心的错误, 我应该有奶茶喝吧!哈! 考卷中最有挑战性的就是把梵文翻成英文, 而我全都答对了! X 不服气的说我这个读有的没的怎么都会做。 其实我并没有读有的没的, 只是我知道怎么读书, 既然我们不够时间从头读到尾, 所以只能重点读咯!而这些重点我都和她说了嘛!HEE.....

Ven JF 说她很羡慕我怎么会这么闲, 也很羡慕我的小聪明。 我说我反而很羡慕她的精进,只有用功苦读, 才能打下扎实的佛学基础~

Hoon, 21 May 2008

Friday, May 16, 2008


轮组就是由老师分配每人六组, 轮流作务。作务的范围包括典座、行堂、善后、打扫等。有人的地方就会有人事, 有时同学不能来轮组, 就会叫我来代替, 去过这么多组别, 还是觉得我们这组最合作与融洽。可能我们大家都有点经验, 所以我们都会互相补位, 也不会计较谁做多或做少。 连老师和智妈妈(妙智法师的妈妈, 在大寮帮忙)都喜欢我们这组, 不迟到又很可爱, 哈哈!

我最喜欢典座和行堂了。行堂的责任除了准备碗筷、打板、上香、催菜外,还包括了.......把剩下来的食物吃完!呵!因为有时剩菜很难处理, 所以大家都会尽量想办法把菜吃掉! 当然, 有时工作还包括了.....被骂! 哈! 老师说不是每个人她都会骂的, 只有在大寮待过一段日子, 她知道可以被讲的被骂的她才会骂。所以最近我们这几个常被 “念”....有时是因为我们太匆忙, 没事先提醒经验不足的同学把旧菜平均分给同学和执事, 结果通通的旧菜都放到执事那里, 饭后我们就会被训一顿。或是有时忘了关瓦丝等我们也会被念等等....但每一次的错误就是一种学习, 而我们还蛮享受这种学习的。

上几个周末都常不在家, 不是帮老师做事就是有事。 这个周末还真想好好在家休息做功课, 但又受不了引诱, 因为这次要去的地方我还没去过呢! 好累哦, 希望下个周末可以好好在家休息~HEE.....

Hoon 16 May 2008

Thursday, May 15, 2008

We are one big family

Haiz….so near yet so far, I came in 4th in the badminton tournament. I was playing to get into 1st or 2nd position game (whoever wins will play for the 1st or 2nd position, the loser will stay to play for the 3rd position) and I injured my thigh in the mist of the game…..the score was so near! 20 – 22 . I could not run to catch the ball for a few times because each time I run; I will feel the pain on my thigh. As I lost the game for playing the 1st or 2nd position, so I have to stay to play for the 3rd position but I lost too, the score was 17 – 21. I made a number of mistakes for the last few points.

I could have won but never mind lah! I heard from my friend that the other 3 are trained in badminton since young. And they play badminton almost every day against the guys one leh! Perhaps I should receive some proper training in order to 打败天下无敌手~haha!

I started playing badminton since secondary school but not so good. When I studied in the polytechnic, one of my friends gave me a 2 hours lesson and from then, my skill has improved tremendously and I started to play badminton everyday with the guys too! Playing badminton often with the good ones helped to polish up my skill.

Now age is catching up and I was prone to injury, cannot run and hop like last time liao! so sad!

Ven Mansheng and ven Miaoguan were there to support us. Hope I did not disappoint them lah! Think Ven MG has pinned a high hope on me before the game….After the competition; they have a fun badminton game with the undergrads. As I was injured, they don’t allow me to play!I was damned boring helping them to count the scores....*sianz*

We are like one big family here, whenever there is any tournament going on, many of us will go to support our faculty, even we know we will lose, haha! Our faculty should be awarded for our Best Team spirit, every time when we lost a game, we will still be in a very high spirit. To us, having fun in the game is what matters most. In fact our faculty did win a few competitions like singing competition, writing competition etc lah....more to the 文side and not the 武part cos we are not 少林寺mah! We really have a great sense of belonging to our faculty. Yesterday a few of us went to play table tennis with ven MS and ven MG again. We wanted to play badminton but the courts were not available. (My thigh is still pain but as long as i dont run too much it's still ok)

The teachers(ven MG and Ven MS) are very compassionate and kind. They always fit us to different responsibility based on our ability and potential. I have been sent to a few occasions helping out in different things, and ven MG told me in fact I’m a very 细心person, HEE!

I have been very busy for the past weekends helping out teachers doing things. This weekend is the time for me to relax and I’ll go to a far far place with a few friends to have fun :p

I have many playmates one, I go to different places in Taiwan with different playmates and sometimes we go different fgs temples to do volunteering. Some of my Taiwanese friends said that I m now ½ Taiwanese, know some places better than them...:p

True friend is one who accepts you as you really are, there is no such thing as whether you are good enough for a friend, as long as your friend can accept you as a whole, friendship can last. Besides many of my playmates, I m glad I have Jen and HY as my true friend. If one day they were angry and left me, it’s not because I’ve hurt them, it will because they are upset I kept doing things that hurt myself...KEE....

They are very kind and rational; they always say I’m like a kid, like to do things on emotions...HEE....Anyway, I love them very much and I have promised them that I’ll learn to grow up lor....HOHOHOHO....

Yo(pronounce as "show") Te Amo! That’s “I Love You” in Spanish. HY is teaching Spanish in our FGU YAD (香海社) now, so we got a chance to learn such a “romantic” language....Spanish is cool....I think I'm in love with the language now.


Hoon 15 May 2008

Monday, May 12, 2008

HY and Jen Flower

HY and Jen are very good friend. They were born in Taiwan but HY is raised and educated in Argentina. She can speak fluent Spanish. Jen is raised and educated in South African and can speak fluent English with ang moh accent. They “ adopted” me last semester as their “pet”, haha!Both of them are teachers’ fav….presentable, rational, confidence and handle all things very well.

HY is always so hardworking and responsible with a little “self” (我执). She is never afraid of showing others her weaknesses (like not so fluent English and Chinese) . There was once she was suddenly appointed to read for Master Ven Hsing Yun a Chinese passage. It was a last minute arrangement; she has no time to go through the passage and was put on stage. As her Chinese is not so good thus she read with a little difficulty. The passage was long and due to time constraint, Master Ven Hsing Yun asked another person to replace her in front of the whole faculty. But she handled it with wisdom and even wanted to try another time when Master was here again, except that this time she requested to get the passage before hand so she has time to read through it.

There was another time she and a few others went to Philippines for recruitment (招生). During the sharing session back in FGU, they showed us her video when she was introducing our school with not so fluent English. The purpose of the video was: Anyone can go to the recruitment program as long as you are willing to do it. The video was definitely a confidence booster for a lot of students who are lack of confidence!

Jen is the “psychologist/counselor” in our class and is very humorous. You’ll feel very comfortable talking to her. Everyone likes to talk to her and if anyone of us encounter any problems, we’ll go to her for a “counseling session, ha! She is very good in analyzing problems and can “see through” a person.

To HY and Jen, good friends do not mean have to be physically stick to each other every time. Both of them always do things separately. They only do things together when needed. They said true friends are always there when you are in need; they don’t interfere with your decisions but only give advice and friends always see good in you. Their style of friendship is very similar to the American soap serials “Friends”….haha!
Some of their “definition” of friends are very different from mine initially. They are very “Westernize”, they always say they love me, but some how I don’t feel it since I don’t “see” how they love me. However, their style of friendship have really "trained" me to be independent and enjoy my own company...haha!
When the time goes by, I realize they really love me a lot, even though 3 of us don’t often stick together. HY and Jen understand me very well. It seems that they can read through me. As I’m a very straight forward person and cannot express myself very well, when I said something very bad, they know that I’m hurt. They can “read through” my words and actions. They will patiently wait for me to finish my complaints and ask me, so what is the point you want to tell me? I’ll say: cos I’m hurt. And they will immediately say: “Yes, that’s the point. You finally say it out!” Then they will start “counseling” me or bring me to a walk or a movie or whatever I feel like doing.....

They will never interfere in my decision making even they know the end results maybe a bad one…. they will only give advice and wait patiently for me to go back to them with a “bloody” ending….haha!
They say I’m a very “simple” person, they can predict my next words or next action, so they are always there to “standby” me and help clear up my mess since I never want to heed their advice before I took any actions :p Jen said I’m like a kid, always act on emotion….HEEE

We are all very poor students, sometimes HY has to go back Taipai (about an hour from our school) to give Spanish Tuition to make end meets. However, she is always very generous to me. She always buy me my favorite bubble tea (to us, a dollar can mean quite a large sum sometimes!) and bought me a large cake with jen and a few friends during my birthday. I remembered it was a weekday and we have class for the whole day, but still HY found someone to send her down the mountain and get the cake and my fav bubble tea within the shortest possible time, so touched!

There are many times she “sacrifices” for me. Eg she was rushing her report but she still keep time to go dinner with me because I was damned boring and was in a foul mood.

Last week she missed the school bus just to buy bubble tea for me when she was down the mountain. She was guilty when she failed to get bubble tea for me a few days back, so not to disappoint me again, She would rather wait for another hour for the school bus than to disappoint me again….when I called her, she told me she has just drank a cup of bubble tea and will buy me one near the school bus arriving time to keep the bubble tea fresh……… touched!!
Jen, she has helped me alot....and I've written alot about her in my previous articles last sem~Both of them have advised me not to treat a classmate C too well since she never appreciated me. I never heed the advice and true enough, I was gena "bitten" by C recently and everyone sees her as a “victim”. But never mind, everyone has their point of view and we have our own reflection to do. Ironically, both of us are in fact doing the same thing to each other~ so I cannot complain too much :p

Infact when C and I were still in a good term, I did mention to her that HY and Jen are friends who will always stand by me, they will never leave me in lure whenever I need them, just like a mother who will never leave her children, haha! But C will turn against me when she wants too…and BINGO! I was right. (Law of attraction? :p)

Btw, last week our faculty played in the internal school basketball competition and we got 17 against ….70++, haha! It was a fun game though. Most of us do not know how to play basketball, 15 of us took turn to go play within the 40 minutes. Our team was very compassionate, always practice giving during the game by passing the ball to the other team by incident! Our rival was kind too, they tried to give us chance to shoot so to let us break the ZERO!

Tonight, I’ll be taking part in the Badminton tournament, wish me luck!

12 May 2008

Thursday, May 08, 2008

音樂跨越宗教 菲天主教徒演出佛陀音樂劇 (转贴) 2008年05月05日 09:30 中廣新聞網

[黃麗鳳 攝] 菲律賓「佛陀傳」音樂劇團一行七十五人,今天下午訪問宜蘭佛光大學,和佛光大學「佛教研修學院」的師生,進行一場無國界的音樂文化交流。










